Non Brewed Condiment
On this episode the boys discuss how you can’t quote the Huffington Post, solar powered coal, grill cheese sex, Highlights Magazine and cannibalism (taste like chicken). Also with respect to the late Allan Holdsworth we name todays episode.
The New Jew
Scott Brazieal, composer, screen writer and band member of bands like 5uu’s, Cartoon and PFS sits in with Jonathan and Craig to talk about dieting, carrots and executions.
God Love Baseball
What do Bob Newhart, Neil Young and Cher have in common? They’re all on “The List.”
Fracking Rat Brains
Craig and Bernie discuss the future of humans on this planet. Jonathan tries to stay awake.
Turbo Casino
Bernie didn’t want to be astronaut, Jonathan didn’t want to be a second baseman and Craig can’t talk about his love life.
That’s Irony
Debating the meaning of life, liberty and the pursuit of sappiness.
Square Dancing Titanic
No one wants to look like Burt Reynolds and did we just steer the Titanic into an iceberg? Tune in to find out!
Bowling For Insomnia
Environmental degradation and poverty are keeping us awake and hookers are the cure. Herb Caen is a dick and the Swedish Fuck Team is going to save us all.
Palacio de los Deportes
In this episode Craig goes to Mexico to see Radiohead with his daughter, Bernie sits behind Bill Walton and Jonathan burps too loud.